Terms and Conditions

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In accordance with the provisions of law transposing directive into the intellectual property code concerning the legal protection of databases,GMED North America, Inc. is the creator and owner of all or any sections of the databases which make up this website.

By visiting this website, you recognise that the data presented on it is legally protected, and, in accordance with the provisions of the aforementioned law, you are prohibited from extracting, reusing, storing, reproducing, representing or retaining, either directly or indirectly, on any media, or by using any means, any or all qualitatively or quantitatively substantial parts of the databases making up this site to which you have access. Neither may you repeatedly and systematically extract or reuse any qualitatively or quantitatively insubstantial parts of the data for any purposes which manifestly fall beyond the terms and conditions of normal usage.

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GMED North America, Inc.
3930 Knowles Ave. Suite 306
Kensington, Maryland 20895

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GMED North America, Inc. may not be held liable for how the information contained on this website may be interpreted, or the consequences of its use.

Design and Creation

GMED North America, Inc.
3930 Knowles Ave. Suite 306
Kensington, Maryland 20895


InMotion Hosting
6100 Center Drive, Suite 1190
Los Angeles, CA 90045